Five Components, One Complete
Ceiling System for Today, and Tomorrow

The revolutionary, patented In-Dapt OR Ceiling System makes other hospital ceiling construction methods and products obsolete.

Value-engineered by the #1 operating room renovation company in America, Walters Healthcare Resources introduces a new concept in OR ceiling design: flexibility through modularity. Not just modular for construction purposes – flexibility in-use and post-installation through its movable component design. OR construction teams can modify the ceiling in only a few hours, vs. weeks, to respond to changing room or equipment requirements.

In fact, In-Dapt outperforms traditional construction and Single Large Diffuser (SLD) modular OR ceilings on every level:

Installation Ease

This complete, integrated ceiling system installs in five days versus four weeks or more for traditional or SLD ceilings. In-Dapt helps contractors meet or beat project schedules.

Flexibility/Adaptability through Modularity

Each piece of the system can be relocated or modified, providing significant cost savings for frequent OR changes, and vastly improving on existing, rigid hospital ceiling product designs that limit usage and often require work-arounds.


Cost-neutral for new construction and initial installation, and providing a twenty five-fold savings on future renovations (when In-Dapt has already been installed) – plus: rapid assembly reduces construction time. VIEW THE COST ANALYSIS

Smarter Connectivity

The pre-assembled In-Dapt Raceway Module makes fast work of connectivity for all OR needs: electrical, data cables, imaging, medical gases, and any future wiring. This clean, organized method eliminates barriers in the ceiling’s interstitial space, and, significantly reduces the MEP installation and costs. READ MORE DIRECT COMPARISONS

In-Dapt Super
Structure Module

This structural steel Grid attaches to the hospital ceiling structure, and serves as the In-Dapt Ceiling System backbone.

  • Supports any single piece of equipment up to a moment load of 12,000 ft.-lbs. for ceiling mounted medical equipment.
  • Allows equipment to be mounted anywhere within the ceiling system
  • Lights and Diffusers can be removed or modified to add medical equipment
  • Enables plug-and-play installation and integration of any ceiling mounted equipment

In-Dapt Raceway

This patent-pending Raceway provides a means of flexibility for OR ceiling design by housing all necessary connectivity required when building new ORs or updating ceiling-mounted equipment in existing ORs.

  • Grouping of steel raceway modules bolted together in unlimited configuration
  • Hub of Ceiling System serving as unobstructed pathway for all OR connections (medical gases, electrical, communication, data, imaging, and future requirements)
  • Modular in use: panels easily moved for equipment additions or re-positioning
  • Includes pre-assembled medical gas panels and accessories reducing material needs and organizing lines running to equipment
  • Connection point, with Intermediate Structural Module, for surgical lights, monitors and booms
  • Savings in equipment change time and costs are dramatic – one quarter the traditional installation time

In-Dapt Intermediate
Structure Module

Key to this new system is this unique, proprietary-designed Module which integrates into the In-Dapt Raceway, enabling equipment to be positioned quickly, anywhere along the Raceway.

  • Connection point between the Structural Grid Module and medical equipment
  • Universal design accepts mounting plate for all equipment brands
  • Complete positioning freedom for FUTURE OR changes

In-Dapt OR
Air Diffuser Module

Built-in, Laminar Flow air diffusers eliminate the need to purchase and install a separate air diffusion system.

  • 2 x 4’ Air Diffuser panels circulate positive air above patient and staff
  • Best-in-class performance exceeds ASHREA 170 standards for Class A, B and C surgeries
  • Removable sealed panels supported on inner perimeter of In-Dapt Raceway for ease in ceiling access and equipment position changes, eliminating the risk of contaminants from interstitial space

In-Dapt OR
Lighting Module

Built-in fluorescent or LED room lighting eliminates the need to purchase separate lighting.

  • Series of 2 x 4’ fluorescent panels or LED troffers specifically designed for OR medical lighting
  • Three troffer levels, all Mil Std 461F certified.
  • Removable sealed panels supported on outer perimeter of In-Dapt Raceway forease in ceiling access and equipment position changes
  • Asymmetric/symmetric light distribution which directs high levels of light over the patientplug
  • Exceeds IES guidelines of 200fc for supplemental illumination of surgical fields

How to move a component in 5 Steps:

  • Disconnect component supply and remove the panel
  • Choose new location
  • Route component supply to new location
  • Install component panel in the new location
  • Reconnect component to its supply